STIMOSTEM © is a method performed by Doctor Stefano Battista that promotes the regeneration of the sick tissues and enhance the body's repairing innate ability against the damage due to aging or chronical inflammation.
This pathway to deliver procedures just improving the effect of a bioreaction of the all tissues of your body is carachterized by a sequence of treatments coming from a cytogenic analisys and dynamization of bioactive factors to lead the main regenerative therapies wich will work for your needs.
Stimostem is safe and focused to reset your proper cell function affecting your own personal condition. The main results comes out from the biological rehabilitation of your circulating factors started with the stimulation of the Stem Cell niches while a detoxifyng action resulting from the application of specific treatments are gradually administrated to you along the cure. Undergoing to the Stimostem method you will revitalize your immune system while enhancing strenght and all this complex will rejuvenate your entire body.