Antiaging Health.
The modern age determination is constantly evolving with the progress of regenerative care on the longevity.
Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative therapies select stem and cytoactive factors with a renewal effect of cells and tissues, local and general.
Treatment of weight-related disease imbalances
Stem Cells.
We only use adult and autologous stem cells.
Beauty in safety.
Bioidentical Antiaging customized for the Safety of Aesthetics without risks to Health.
Antiaging Aesthetics.
A reduction of cytochemical viable bio-markers is associated with increased aging.
Innovative Products
Activate Stem cells
Active principles.
Anything that encourages and promotes the action of stem cells while maintaining effect and vitality over time.
Gene Longevity.
It transforms the vision of the inevitable aging of the organism.
if it were possible to enjoy a young healthand avert age-related degeneration?
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It uses regenerative solutions that induce the rejuvenating effect that can be more than useful also in medicine and cosmetic surgery, instead of insisting on purely symptomatic treatments. An appearance from "Doll " or, indeed, of "mummy ", as a result of facelift of the face, it is for us only a past memory, with the classic lip rhymes to Mò of "Duck's beak", or the ocular contour with an ' aggressive ' blepharoplasty With the typical ' sorcerer's Mask '. But that aspect can still now be corrected in most cases.
Certainly promoting the action of growth factors on adult stem cell precursors can offer much more. The treatments also demonstrated at the same time, to positively affect the whole organism, slowing drastically the ageing and the disabling course as that of incurable degenerative diseases such as:
SOMATIKE researchers are conducting a clinical trial with 20 Alzheimer's patients and the results are amazing! Memory enhancement and remarkable functional improvements, are already occurring 90 days away from treatment. All patients showed a marked improvement in memory and a franza reduction in mood alterations, frustrating attitudes and behaviors, also manifesting a renewed spirit. The treatment with stem cells has been shown to improve flexion and straightening of the joints and adding greater agility to the fingers of the hand. The muscular strength and the control of the limbs are visibly improved.
Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which the patient's immune system generates responses to normal substances and tissues of the body by damaging the immune system. The damage can be limited to an organ or involve a particular fabric in different apparatus. Examples of autoimmune diseases that responded to stem cell therapy, both in animals and humans, are rheumatoid arthritis,
multiple sclerosis, ALS , and type II diabetes .Stem cell therapy has been shown to induce healings of deep tissues in animals with various forms of autoimmune diseases. Beyond the healing of damaged tissues, stem cells have the unique ability to modulate the immune system in order to turn off pathological responses while maintaining its ability to fight disease. The majority of patients with autoimmune diseases that we have treated, have reported effects of amplification of immune power and increase resistance to infection. We have also always recorded, an increase in T-help er cells in response to stem cell therapy.