Antiaging Health.
The modern age determination is constantly evolving with the progress of regenerative care on the longevity.
Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative therapies select stem and cytoactive factors with a renewal effect of cells and tissues, local and general.
Treatment of weight-related disease imbalances
Stem Cells.
We only use adult and autologous stem cells.
Beauty in safety.
Bioidentical Antiaging customized for the Safety of Aesthetics without risks to Health.
Antiaging Aesthetics.
A reduction of cytochemical viable bio-markers is associated with increased aging.
Innovative Products
Activate Stem cells
Active principles.
Anything that encourages and promotes the action of stem cells while maintaining effect and vitality over time.
Gene Longevity.
It transforms the vision of the inevitable aging of the organism.
if it were possible to enjoy a young healthand avert age-related degeneration?
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Scientists from all over the United States and around the world, including those involved with the American diabetes Association — believe that native-stage stem cells are the greatest promise in finding better quality of life. Medical researchers and SOMATIKE specialists, after completing a phase of clinical trials, according to U.S. FDA-based schemes, have observed complete regression in type 2 diabetes, values in the range of hyperglycemia, triglycerides and hemoglobin A1c, which are normal within 6 weeks. Some patients have noticed these benefits within a couple of weeks, while others have shown benefits after a few weeks of treatment. Our scientific contact will provide you with information on realistic experiences and expectations of the treatments.
Emphysema and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis are debilitating conditions that shorten life expectancy, drastically reducing quality. Also in this condition, the subject lives constantly with the feeling of being in progressive suffocation, with continuous difficulty to "take breath ".
Stem cells derived from adipose tissue have been shown to be very effective in changing the quality of life for those who have respiratory difficulties. Stem cells migrate into the lungs to facilitate long-term respiration and thus contribute to re-oxygenation.
Erectile dysfunction is a growing problem, commonly associated with poor genital blood flow, excluding psychological, hormonal and organic problems. The current treatments for DE are hormonal or drug-based stimulants that involve, however, a number of side effects, including hypertension, stroke and heart disease. These medications should be used for life long term and, from the medical standpoint, it is not worth the risk.In fact the use of Viagra. , Cialis and other erection enhancers is a "roulette" for the body, since the extraordinary superwork required increases the risk of cardiac accidents, due also to the need for increasingly high doses, to produce the same effect. Several research studies have found that "There appears to be a large number of deaths and serious cardiovascular events associated with the use of Viagra." In a study in Los Angeles, was presented at the American College of Cardiology, an analysis of the 1,473 main adverse events reported to the FDA, which detected 522 dead people, most following a heart attack. Recent research has shown that local and intravenous treatment of stem cell therapy is highly effective for immediate and long-term improvement of libido and blood flow.
The results received from autologous stem cell therapy are without risk of side effects, rejection or overdose. The research has shown with numerous scientific publications, that this effect is found with the use of material extracted from adipose tissue and bone marrow, by selecting the fraction of stem cells of mesenchymal origin. Stem cells derived from adipose tissue are the most abundant source of mesenchymal stem cells in the human body and can be easily collected, without evoking moral or ethical issues (derived embryonic stem cells are not used in this treatment).