Stem cells have a direct, regenerating and rejuvenating local effect, an effect that can be used very advantageously also for cosmetic surgery treatments. It has now been shown that stem cell therapy derived from adipose tissue (ADSC), or from the mesenchymal stromal matrix, is able to reverse the original concept of the usual time of aging, which we are accustomed to consider. In fact, there is a striking presence of a reduction of all the bio-markers associated with aging.
With hormone rebalancing, control of blood glucose levels and an appropriate increase in metabolism (with an average loss of 5-8 kg per month of excessive weight, according to BMI), progressively reduces the signs of aging, also visible on the chromatic level of the hair, which darken, increasing in thickness and quantity. Moreover, an increase in sexual desire among all the treated cases, both male and female, was found. The patients then reported a more restful sleep, better control of blood pressure and a clear improvement in visual acuity. The method we use, created by the Dr. Stefano Battista , is preceded by a pre-clinical setting that conditions the basic regenerative cellular responses, and refers to autologous sampling techniques from the bone marrow or from adipose matrix with localized lipoaspiration , or with a wider liposuction , if by a more aesthetic indication, generally on the abdominal and pelvis region, or other venues according to choice of surgeon, agreed with the client. StimoStem Method technology, using minimal manipulation and in one single session in the same session. From extracts taken also from the blood (plasma fractions and serum), the numerous mesenchymal stem cells present, after being properly activated and placed in contact with the factors progressively obtained, will be returned to the patient, always in the same session of treatment, enteral and, for aesthetics, in appropriate somatic areas, after further impromptu reactive treatment. The whole process takes about 3- 4 hours time. The stem cells will then migrate progressively to the various regions of the body, to repair the damaged tissue, triggering the regenerating mechanism.